Someone once told me that when I multitask, the amount of attention I’m giving each project I’m working on decreases. I remember the first time I heard that. It astounded me. Multitasking was a major strength when I first entered the professional working world. Yet, it made sense that it wasn’t the most efficient way to tackle a project or assignment.
With that in mind, I think about how easy it is for our minds to be distracted. For me, those moments seem to come when I’m trying my hardest to concentrate on something. That time I sit aside to read my bible is just when the phone begins to ring, even though it hasn’t rang all day. Or it’s just as that song I was trying to remember pops into my head and now it’s an earworm. My bladder decides it’s time for a trip to the restroom and all other kinds of distractions.
That’s all that they are. Distractions. Notice how I said they seem to come only when I want to put my sole focus and attention on something. It’s like that’s when the mind becomes the most active. Multitasking may be the easy, and sometimes only feasible solution to tackling some of our day-to-day responsibilities. When it comes to the spiritual things, I begin to understand the importance of having a sober mind.
If you ever had a day where your thoughts seemed cloudy or you felt discombobulated, then you truly begin to understand the value of clarity. Clear thinking. It’s when I lack it that I miss it the most. When my thoughts are feeling scattered, that’s when those distractions are more likely to be successful in causing complete chaos. In our everyday lives, we may misplace our keys or phone. Forget to turn off the stove or any number of things. Sometimes those things can be very detrimental.
It’s the same for my spirit. The more time I allow for distractions to reign, the greater the likelihood of detrimental spiritual harm. It’s imperative that we be able to recognize when we are not giving God our undivided attention. When we are allowing way too much room for distractions. When our thoughts are clear and we are able to give God our full attention, we can hear his voice all the clearer. So if this is an area where you struggle, start by praying and asking God for clarity. It’s a first step in removing the distractions and focusing on your conversation with God.
Have you ever been involved in a conversation with someone and suddenly realize that you don’t have their undivided attention? Perhaps they are nodding along as you speak, but your instincts kick in and let you know that they are not fully present in the conversation. Maybe you've even been that person. That’s a frustrating feeling. It makes you feel like your words don’t matter and simply aren’t important. We don’t want to be in a position where that is how we treat our conversation with God. Every moment is vital to our spiritual living.
Stay Sunny!
Suggested Readings: